
May 13, 2024
Call for Entries: D-Prize Challenge
Deadline: 23-Jun-2024 Entries are now open for the D-Prize Challenge that supports organizations in any low-or-middle income country where extreme poverty still exists. D-Prize believe the world needs more social impact organizations, and they seed for-profit ventures, NGOs, and charities. D-Prize Challenges Health Self-Injectable Contraceptive Challenge: Can you distribute a self-injectable contraceptive, Sayana® Press, to underserved...
Grants available for preventing and combating GBV and Violence Against Children
Deadline: 29-May-24 The European Commission is inviting applications to support civil society and public services in preventing and combating gender-based violence and violence against chidren. This is a call for proposals for EU action grants in the field of gender-based violence under the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Value Programme (CERV). Gender-based violence is violence directed against...
Call for Entries: D-Prize Challenge
Deadline: 17-May-2024 Submissions are now open for the Climate Gender Equity Fund to increase access to finance for gender-responsive, women led, and women-benefiting climate solutions, with a preference for those that address the inextricable linkage between climate, gender, and health. The Climate Gender Equity Fund (CGEF) is a public-private partnership led by USAID with founding members...



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