As defined by WHO(1993), “ the abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life”.

Thinking skills

  • Creative thinking
  • Critical thinking
  • Decision making
  • Problem solving Social skills
  • Self-awareness
  • Empathy
  • Effective communication
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Emotional skills
  • Coping with emotion
  • Coping with stress

Creative Thinking Helps to respond adaptively and flexibly in our everyday life situation. It is a novel way of doing things.

Critical Thinking It helps to analyze information and experience objectively and assess the factors that influence the way we think and act. It is important for our crucial life decisions.

Decision making Helps to deal constructively with decisions about our lives.

Problem solving • Helps to deal constructively with problems. • It leads to decision making and managing emotions and stress.

Effective communication • Ability to express verbally and non-verbally.

Interpersonal relationships • Helps to deal with people in a positive way, to make and maintain friendly relationships.

Empathy • Ability to be sensitive to another person’s situation. • Helps us to feel for the other person.

Coping with stress • Helps to identify source of emotion and take appropriate actions to control it.

Coping with emotions Helps to recognize emotions within oneself and others and respond to it appropriately.

Self-awareness • Helps to recognize ones character, strength and weakness, likes and dislikes.

Why do we need to know?

  • Aware of what one is doing
  • Maintain good and healthy relations
  • Play safe
  • Inculcate good habits
  • Understand others needs
  • Able to cope with stress and emotions
  • Build conducive and healthy environment
  • Creative and critical way of life
  • Create better world


TRAILBLAZER INITIATIVE NIGERIA (for sustainable development, health and empowerment) is a youth-led, Non-Profit, Non-Governmental Organization that is committed to the betterment of generations and making Positive Change Inevitable in the Society through sustainable programmes to promote and facilitate Good Health and Well-being, Poverty Eradication, Good and Accessible Education, Child’s Right Advocacy and Support of Orphans and Vulnerable Children, and Democracy and Good Governance.

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