To some organization, change is a means of survival, to others; it may be an opportunity for wealth increment. As for us change is a call to discipline, leadership, and ability to deliver a healthy society where peace, love, joy and happiness will reign. It is our vision;
» To be a non-governmental organization blazing the trail for betterment of generations through ideas/initiatives that are capable of touching and impacting lives to cause positive changes and make life better for all.

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TRAILBLAZER INITIATIVE NIGERIA (for sustainable development, health and empowerment) is a youth-led, Non-Profit, Non-Governmental Organization that is committed to the betterment of generations and making Positive Change Inevitable in the Society through sustainable programmes to promote and facilitate Good Health and Well-being, Poverty Eradication, Good and Accessible Education, Child’s Right Advocacy and Support of Orphans and Vulnerable Children, and Democracy and Good Governance.

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