
Trailblazer Initiative Nigeria
Nigeria my dearest nation, its your 52nd birthday! By now, you are suppose to be a giant but your growth is stunted. You once stood upright and walk but you fell down and you have since refuse to stand up and walk again. At 52, you are still crawling like a 7month old baby and...
The future of every nation depends on the child children of today. It saddens my heart the way our children are being treated in this nation; Nigeria. Its not right the way they are treated but we (you & I) have to make it right because it is our responsibility. Government has failed us! Must...
Click here to download and listen to Project Empower COPA Radio Jingle Applications are hereby invited from interested Participants wishing to acquire knowledge and skills into Project Empower COPA Season Two. Project Empower COPA Season Two is a five Weekend (Sundays) Free Certified Vocational Empowerment Training Program on: *Wire-Works Making (Jewelry) *Interior & Exterior Decorations...
The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high that we miss it, but, that it is too low and we cannot reach it! Maybe because we limit ourselves because of fear or because we fail to discover our God’s given potential or we fail to put our potentials...
Volunteers are needed as Instructor/Facilitator for Project Empower COPA in Akure, Ondo State. Project Empower COPA Ondo is a Free Certified Vocational Empowerment Training Program organized by ACME Consult and Trailblazer Initiatives Nigeria for NYSC members, Youths and Every one who desires knowledge. This project came into being because of our passion to make positive...
Volunteers are needed as Instructor/Facilitator for Project Empower COPA in Ekiti and Ondo State respectively. Project Empower COPA is a Free Certified Vocational Empowerment Training Program organized by Trailblazer Initiatives Nigeria and Partners for NYSC members, Youths and Every one who desires knowledge which started in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. This project came into being...
Application is hereby welcomed from interested National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members and youths in Oyo State who are willing to participate in Project Empower Copa. Project Empower Copa is a six weekend free certified vocational training program in bid to empower Corps members and Youths,  and reduce job unemployment. (More details at This...
We seek professionals who can volunteer to help us teach any of the following courses; 1. Bead making 2. Barbering/Haircut 3. Interior/Exterior Decoration 4. Cake making 5. Make-Up art 6. Catering services 7. Pedicure/Manicure Empower Copa is a projecct aimed at empowering youth corps mebers of Oyo State vocationally in bid to fight the problem...
Leprosy is a chronic bacterial infection with Mycobacterium leprae. It primarily affects the skin, mucous membranes (e.g. nose), peripheral nervous system (nerve function), eyes and testes. The form the disease takes depends on the person’s immune response to the infection. Leprosy is also known as Hansen disease and is one of the oldest known diseases...
What Is Leprosy? Leprosy is a least communicable disease caused by bacteria. It mainly affects the skin and nerves. It progresses slowly with an average incubation period of 3 years. Leprosy can affect all ages and both sexes. Leprosy is completely curable with MDT within 6 months to 12 months and Single Skin Lesion (SSL)...
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