The Delegation of the European Union to Nigeria and ECOWAS is seeking proposals for actions that strengthen the capacities of local CSOs to engage in policy dialogues at national level and promote human rights in Nigeria.
Reference: EuropeAid/181129/DD/ACT
Budget: 3 740 000 EURO
The priorities of this call for proposals are:
Lot 1: Rights of the Child
Lot 2: Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Lot 3: Social Protection
Lot 4: Youth Inclusion
The full guidelines and application forms for applicants for all lots are available on the European Commission, Funding and Tender opportunities web page below:
Deadline to submit concept note is: Thursday 18th July 2024
To help applicants familiarise themselves with the system before the online submission, a virtual information session will be organised on 19th June, 2024, via WebEx.
Should you be interested in this session, please send an email by 14th June, 2024 to indicating: name, surname, nationality and email address of the persons who are going to participate as well as their organisation.