
Each year, 6 February marks the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation. The day is observed as a way to raise awareness about female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), and to galvanize support to end the practice. Learn more about the issue below, and find out how UNICEF is working with communities and governments...
According to the International Center for Research on Women, if present child marriage trends continue, more than 142 million girls worldwide will be forced to marry adult men during the next decade — the equivalent of 38,000 girls every day. As in many other nations, an individual is considered a minor if he or she...
Several factors increase the risk of cancer (officially known as malignant neoplasm), including pollutants, tobacco use, certain infections, radiation, obesity, and lack of physical exercise.e An estimated 5 to 10% of cancers are entirely hereditary. Most cancers develop through a combination of hereditary and environmental factors. Smoking causes an estimated 90% of lung cancer. Tobacco has killed 50 million...
We are please to share with our networks a call for submission of applications for IUCN-funded internship opportunities to be awarded to and taken up by successfully selected candidates at the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol (UNFCCC secretariat) in the city of Bonn, Germany. Applications may...
Apply by nomination for the Commonwealth Youth Awards 2013 on Youth Development and Empowerment. Find attached a brochure and online application link here at Remember that June 30, 2013 is the deadline for applications. Read more also at  Kindly share with as many partners, member countries and young people as possible. Good luck and Best regards
Dear World We Want Supporters, Coinciding with today’s release of the report written by the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda at 15:00 EDT, the World We Want platform will launch a page dedicated to the report’s release which can be found at: HOW YOU CAN ENGAGE: Download the HLP report (in English)...
A docu-drama not only throws the spotlight on child abuse but also poignantly calls for action against the malaise. It is not often that children tell their own stories. To a large extent, it is not even expected that children are capable of strong emotions, something erroneously thought to be the preserve of adults. It...
While the UN High Level Panel on the Post 2015 Development Agenda has declared that their vision is “to end poverty in our lifetime”[1] at the London HLP meeting, it is clear that women across the globe are becoming increasingly impoverished and if we do not transform the current political, cultural and economic systems by...
WE WILL NOT BE MAINSTREAMED INTO A POLLUTED STREAM: FEMINIST VISIONS OF STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATIONS FOR ACHIEVING WOMEN’S HUMAN RIGHTS AND GENDER EQUALITY IN THE 2015 DEVELOPMENT AGENDA 21 March 2013, Bonn Statement We caution against developing another set of reductive goals, targets and indicators that ignore the transformational changes required to address the failure of...
While the UN High Level Panel on Post 2015 has declared that we can end poverty in our lifetime, it is clear that women across the globe are becoming increasingly impoverished and if we do not transform the current political, cultural and economic systems by placing women at the heart of development, we will not...
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