While the UN High Level Panel on Post 2015 has declared that we can end poverty in our lifetime, it is clear that women across the globe are becoming increasingly impoverished and if we do not transform the current political, cultural and economic systems by placing women at the heart of development, we will not...
Leprosy is a chronic bacterial infection with Mycobacterium leprae. It primarily affects the skin, mucous membranes (e.g. nose), peripheral nervous system (nerve function), eyes and testes. The form the disease takes depends on the person’s immune response to the infection. Leprosy is also known as Hansen disease and is one of the oldest known diseases...
What Is Leprosy? Leprosy is a least communicable disease caused by bacteria. It mainly affects the skin and nerves. It progresses slowly with an average incubation period of 3 years. Leprosy can affect all ages and both sexes. Leprosy is completely curable with MDT within 6 months to 12 months and Single Skin Lesion (SSL)...
We are on the mission empower vulnerable HUMANS, in society through Sustainable DEVELOPMENT programmes and INITIATIVES that promote Health, Equality, Justice, Solidarity and Opportunities.