
Our Projects
Educational entertainment to create awareness on Female Genital Mutilation, child marriage, Gender-based Violence, Violence against Women and Children and other harmful practices, dissemination of existing information, research, etc. and increase research uptake on elimination of harmful practices, Female Genital Mutilation, child marriage, Gender-based Violence and Violence against Women and Children and community hubs for innovation...
2,093 U-reporters were enrolled by the 10 Youth Activists and TBI staff through advocacies, Sensitization programs, Reflective Dialogue sessions and other social media and Community engagements. The U-reporters are aware of their roles as advocate and Activists on the elimination of Female Genital Mutilation, Gender-based Violence, Violence against Women and Children and Child Marriage in...
10 Selected Youth Activists from six focal communities were trained for 3-days on policy advocacy and reporting on the elimination of Female Genital Mutilation, child marriage, Gender-based Violence, Violence against Women and Children and other harmful practices – documentation and collection of information on Female Genital Mutilation.   This was followed by 1-day training of...
Over these years we have been working consistently and tirelessly to make live better for all. We work consistently at the grassroots level to create an enabling environment Word from the ED. At TBI, people are at the heart of everything we do – and as a values-based organization we pride  ourselves on trust and...
I am delighted to present our Annual Report, showcasing our remarkable journey and accomplishments throughout the year. It is with immense pride that I reflect on the dedication and resilience of our team, the unwavering support of our valued clients and partners, and the positive impact we have made in the industry. In the face...
Through our project activities in the year 2022, Trailblazer Initiative Nigeria directly reached out to 2 states (Ekiti and Oyo). A total of 8 LGAs in the states were covered. Key Indicator Result Achieved Number of women and girls who have initiated conversations on FGM, GBV and Child Marriage elimination and/ or advocated for abandonment...
Section 24(d) of Nigeria’s Constitution requires Nigerian citizens to “make positive and useful contribution to the advancement, progress and well-being of the community where he resides.” Voting is probably the most fundamental responsibility that a patriotic citizen of any democratic society can discharge in the interest of his community, family, himself and his compatriots. Through...
1-day Engagement/Advocacy dialogue with influential (traditional, religious, legislators, influencers, artists etc.) in Ekunle and Malete – Iseyin LGA and Ogan and Ayetoro-Oke, Kajola LGA to get their buy in and support for elimination of FGM and other forms of violence. Mapping of Community Based Youths and Women groups to create awareness on movement for good...
Training and engagement of Support Staffs (Volunteers) for the role of Community-Based Supervisor funded by Collinear Global Services Limited, in accordance with the agreed Terms and Conditions to supervise, Monitor and track the progress and challenges of the Federal Government Home Grown School Feeding Program in the 33 LGAs of the state.
Free Vocational Empowerment Training programme for youths and Women on: Fashion Designing/Tailoring, Website Design, Photography, Graphix Design a total of 36 persons were empowered in the year 2022
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