
Success Stories

Human Interest Stories

Imam of Ido, Alhaji Babatunde Taiwo, shared a profound revelation during a recent training program on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). He recounted the story of a woman in his congregation who had undergone reconstructive surgery due to frequent blockage of her vagina, a direct consequence of FGM caused by the growth of keloids. This condition...
Sunday Abigeal, an 18-year-old trainee at a patent medicine store in Ologuneru community, has become a fervent advocate against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) following a life-changing training workshop. Inspired by the knowledge she gained, Sunday has begun educating customers who visit the store about the severe risks associated with FGM and the urgent need for...
At just 14 years old, Adigun Zeenat is a determined gender champion committed to eradicating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Zeenat’s journey began as a survivor of FGM, having undergone the painful procedure at the tender age of six. The traumatic experience left a lasting scar on her psyche, with the memories of her mutilation repeatedly...
A significant breakthrough has been achieved in the fight against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Child Marriage, and other forms of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the Ibarapa East, Ibarapa North, and Kajola Local Government Areas (LGAs). This progress comes in the wake of a comprehensive Policy Advocacy Dialogue involving Parliamentarians (Ward Councillors), LGA Executives, Government Officials,...
With support from UNICEF, the Trailblazer initiative Nigeria held a 1-Day Local Government Area Level Policy Advocacy Dialogue with Parliamentarians (Ward Councillors), LGA Executives, Government Officials, Academia, and Services Providers on Tackling Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Child Marriage, and other forms of Gender-Based Violence in Ibarapa East LGAs, Ibarapa North LGA, and Kajola LGAs. At...
2,093 U-reporters were enrolled by the 10 Youth Activists and TBI staff through advocacies, Sensitization programs, Reflective Dialogue sessions and other social media and Community engagements. The U-reporters are aware of their roles as advocate and Activists on the elimination of Female Genital Mutilation, Gender-based Violence, Violence against Women and Children and Child Marriage in...
We were at Ido community in Ido Local Government Area of Oyo State for a 1-day advocacy meeting with influential leaders to support the elimination of female genital mutilation in the community. Ido community is one out of the 10 communities where we have received support from UNICEF Nigeria to implement the project “Strengthening the...
Alhaji (Dr) Sule is an Islamic scholar and a lecturer at Lanlate college of Education in Ibarapa East LGA of Oyo State who believes every girl child should mutilated because in his opinion, Islam said so. He was planning to cut her girls before her wife reached out to one of Youth Activists in the...
Mr Ganiyu Ismail – a circumciser in Ayete Community of Ibarapa North LGA of Oyo state revolted against the campaign to eliminate FGM in his community because of his strong believe in the practices of FGM. He had a change of mind after attending several UNICEF funded program in his community and he is now...



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