Empowering Change: The Stories of Sunday Abigeal and Mrs. Fatimah Afolabi

Sunday Abigeal, an 18-year-old trainee at a patent medicine store in Ologuneru community, has become a fervent advocate against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) following a life-changing training workshop. Inspired by the knowledge she gained, Sunday has begun educating customers who visit the store about the severe risks associated with FGM and the urgent need for its total elimination.

Similarly, Mrs. Fatimah Afolabi, an auxiliary health worker and one of Trailblazer Initiative Nigeria’s trained community facilitators, made a profound confession during her training. She admitted to circumcising both male and female children in her community and had appointments for these procedures even on the day of her training. Mrs. Afolabi confessed her ignorance of the dire consequences of FGM but, having been enlightened by the training, she committed to eliminating the practice in her community.

Motivated by her newfound understanding, Mrs. Afolabi has taken proactive steps to address FGM. She has led Trailblazer Initiative Nigeria to engage with her colleagues, educating them about the dangers of FGM, which they often perform out of ignorance. Mrs. Afolabi actively engages community members, raising awareness about the harmful effects of FGM and advocating for its eradication. Additionally, she serves as a vigilant surveillance agent, ensuring that the practice does not continue in her community.

Both Sunday Abigeal and Mrs. Fatimah Afolabi exemplify the transformative power of education and advocacy. Their efforts are making a significant impact, fostering a community movement towards the total elimination of FGM and protecting future generations from this harmful practice.

TRAILBLAZER INITIATIVE NIGERIA (for sustainable development, health and empowerment) is a youth-led, Non-Profit, Non-Governmental Organization that is committed to the betterment of generations and making Positive Change Inevitable in the Society through sustainable programmes to promote and facilitate Good Health and Well-being, Poverty Eradication, Good and Accessible Education, Child’s Right Advocacy and Support of Orphans and Vulnerable Children, and Democracy and Good Governance.

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