Policy advocacy dialogue/meetings with government officials, academia, parliamentarians and services Providers

With support from UNICEF, the Trailblazer initiative Nigeria held a 1-Day Local Government Area Level Policy Advocacy Dialogue with Parliamentarians (Ward Councillors), LGA Executives, Government Officials, Academia, and Services Providers on Tackling Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Child Marriage, and other forms of Gender-Based Violence in Ibarapa East LGAs, Ibarapa North LGA, and Kajola LGAs. At the end of the various policy advocacy sessions, the LGA Councillors agreed to have budgetary allocation for FGM, GBV, and Child Marriage in the LGA annual budget. They also promised pass a bye-Law prohibiting FGM in Ibarapa East LGAs, Ibarapa North LGA, and Kajola LGAs. As a result of the Policy advocacy, Ayete Community (in Ibarapa North LGA) and Ilero (in Kajola LGA) passed a community sanction for perpetrators of FGM (25,000naira fine in Ayete while it is 50,000 in Ilero).


Likewise, In a bid to proffer solutions to the challenges hindering implementation and operationalization of the Oyo State Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Law 2020 the Trailblazer Initiative Nigeria with support from UNICEF Nigeria held a 1-Day State Level – Policy Advocacy Dialogue with Parliamentarians, Government Officials, Academia, And Services Providers on Tackling Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Child Marriage, and Other forms of Gender-Based Violence, at Ibadan Business School, Ibadan on Thursday, 27th July 2023. The programme was well attended by the Legislators, Government Officials and Service providers. During the Policy dialogue with members of the 10th Assembly, which sensitized members on the scale of FGM practice in the state, the Hon. Speaker ably represented by his Deputy Mohammed Fadare committed to;

  1. make FGM prevention and response a key strategic agenda and pursue an aggressive campaign on the M4Good to be led by the respective members in all the 32 constituencies in the state.
  2. Allocate budgets for State Technical Committee/Local Technical Committee on FGM and data generation
  3. Provide oversight through its Parliamentary committees on women and health for effective and judicious utilization of funds.

Trailblazer Initiative Nigeria presented an award to Rt. Honourable Adebo Edward Ogundoyin – Speaker Oyo State House of Assembly on behalf of Movement for Good to End FGM as an “ENDFGM/GENDER CHAMPION” in recognition his Meritorious and Outstanding Service to Oyo State and commitment to the protection of the rights of Women and Girls.

Trailblazer Initiative Nigeria also provided financial support to Youth Activists to conduct;

  • follow-up advocacy visits to Legislators for budgetary provision for Female Genital Mutilation, address law deficiency and oversight for Female Genital Mutilation law
  • follow-up advocacy visits to Academia to do more research on Female Genital Mutilation, child marriage, Gender-based Violence, Violence against Women and Children and other harmful practices
  • follow-up advocacy visits to Traditional rulers and Custodians of culture to eliminate Female Genital Mutilation, child marriage, Gender-based Violence other harmful practices and Violence against Women and Children from their cultural requirement
  • follow-up advocacy visits to Religious Leaders to debunk Female Genital Mutilation, child marriage, Gender-based Violence, other harmful practices and Violence against Women and Children from their religious requirement.

TRAILBLAZER INITIATIVE NIGERIA (for sustainable development, health and empowerment) is a youth-led, Non-Profit, Non-Governmental Organization that is committed to the betterment of generations and making Positive Change Inevitable in the Society through sustainable programmes to promote and facilitate Good Health and Well-being, Poverty Eradication, Good and Accessible Education, Child’s Right Advocacy and Support of Orphans and Vulnerable Children, and Democracy and Good Governance.

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