Trailblazer Initiative Nigeria held Policy Advocacy Dialogue in Eruwa, Lanlate

Trailblazer Initiative Nigeria with support from @unicef_nigeria held a 1-Day Policy Advocacy Dialogue with Government Officials, Academia, Parliamentarians and Service Providers on Tackling Challenges Faced by Girls in Relation To Female Genital Mutilation, Child Marriage, Gender Based Violence, Violence Against Women and Children and Other Harmful Practices in Eruwa and Lanlate Communities of Ibarapa East LGA Of Oyo State.
Participants at the Policy advocacy includes the Traditional Council and Custodians of Culture, Local Government Parliamentarians led by the Executive Chairman of Ibarapa East LGA, Religious Leaders and Local authorities and other decision-makers which includes law enforcement agents, Youth and Women leaders, Academia, Community based organizations etc.
The Executive Director of Trailblazer Initiative Nigeria; Dr Dare Olagoke-Adaramoye welcome the stakeholders and thank them for honoring the invitation. He explained the policy advocacy became necessary due to the fact that their are policy bottle necks which FGM, GBV, VAWC and Marriage thrieves. He enocurages policy makers and influencial leaders to pay attention provide necessary solutions to the Issues.
Speaking at the event the Chairman of Iwa Local Council Developemnt Authority- Hon. Oyediran Bolanle who was accompained by the LCDA Secretary and councilors expressed gratitude to UNICEF, Trailblazer Initiative Nigeria and Oyo state government. He promised to give necessary support to the program and enjoined parents to pay more attention to their wards.
Policy issues identified during various sessions and group works are;
1. People still believe tha FGM, GBV, VAWC as Religious requirement which religious leaders debunked and promised to take sensitization to another level.
2. Lack of budgetary allocation for FGM, GBV, VAWC and Child marriage in the LGA annual budgets. The Chairman and the honourables present said they will work towards it and ensure is included in the next budget and also ensure timely release of the fund.
3. Support for the operationalization of Local Government technical committee. The LGA policy makers promised to provide every necessary support to ensure that things a working well for this committee.
#act2endfgm #m4good #endgbv #endvawc Movement For Good To End FGM @gptoendfgm

TRAILBLAZER INITIATIVE NIGERIA (for sustainable development, health and empowerment) is a youth-led, Non-Profit, Non-Governmental Organization that is committed to the betterment of generations and making Positive Change Inevitable in the Society through sustainable programmes to promote and facilitate Good Health and Well-being, Poverty Eradication, Good and Accessible Education, Child’s Right Advocacy and Support of Orphans and Vulnerable Children, and Democracy and Good Governance.

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